January 12
Elijah Anderson
Yale University
The White Space and Ethnography of Race Relations
January 16 (Holiday Schedule)
Amy Hillier
University of Pennsylvania
The Ward: Race and Class in Du Bois’ 7th Ward
January 26 (Two Presenters)
Etta Morgan
Jackson State University
Living Race in Alabama (1954-2015)
Jimmy Bell
Jackson State University
Caste and Class in a Souther Town Revisited by a Native Son
February 2 (Two Presenters) [CANCELED]
Harold Dean Trulear
Millersville University
Melanie Snyder
Millersville University
Inequality in the Criminal Justice System
February 9
Raymond Albert
Bryn Mawr College
Managing Coexistence: Intergroup Comity in an Urban Area
February 16
Robert Crutchfield
University of Washington
Labor Markets and Crime: Unanswered Questions
February 23
Linda Haapajarvi
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris, France
Urban Ethnography and the Politics of Representation
March 2
Gurminder Bhambra
University of Warwick
Disciplinary Histories and Racialised Epistemologies: Sociology and Community Studies in the US and the UK
March 23
Emmanuelle Lallement
University of Paris IV : Paris-Sorbonne
Ethnologists and the City: A View from France
March 30
Tiffany Joseph
Stony Brook University
A (Black) American Trapped in a (‘Non-Black’) Brazilian Body: Reflections on Navigating Multiple Identities in International Fieldwork
April 6
Michelle Fine
CUNY Graduate Center
Neoliberal Blues and Prec(ar)ious Knowledge: Urban Youth Improvising Desire in Trying Times
April 13
Bruce Haynes
University of California, Davis
Bridging Activism and Academia: Guerrilla Ethnography from the Field
April 20
Daniel Petrin
University of Missouri
Meeting the Militia: Initiating an Ethnographic Project on the Missouri Militia and Local Firearms Cultures
April 27
Randall Collins
University of Pennsylvania
Emotional Micro-details that Drive Social Interactions