

Thursday, April 10th


Welcoming Reception at The Study Hotel

Friday, April 11th


Breakfast at The Graduate Club



Elijah Anderson, Richard Breen, Chair of Sociology, Julia Adams, Deputy Provost


Challenges for Human Capital 

Orly Clerge, Yale, Panel Moderator

Sean J. Drake, University of California, Irvine

The Model Majority: How Achievement and Ethnoracial Composition in High Schools Destabilize the Racial Order

Joanne W. Golann, Princeton University

The Paradox of Teaching Behavioral Norms at an Urban School

Vani Kulkarni, Yale University

The Rites of Urban Public School Discipline: Restoring Order or Creating Liminality?

Jeff Lane, Princeton University

The Digital Street


Coffee and Snack Break


A Roundtable: On Doing Fieldwork

Elijah Anderson, Yale; Kathryn M. Dudley, Yale; Mitchell Duneier, Princeton, Jack Katz, UCLA; 

William Kornblum, CUNY

Julia Rozanova, Yale University, Moderator


Lunchtime Keynote Address

Patti Adler, University of Colorado

Administrative Interference and Overreach: the ‘Adler Controversy’ and the 21st Century University


Policing and Imprisonment 

Waverly Duck, University of Pittsburgh, Panel Moderator 

John M. Eason, Texas A&M University

Finding Beauty in the Hideous: Prison Placement as Reputation Management

Reuben Jonathan Miller, University of Michigan 

Race, Carceral Devolution and the Transformation of Urban Poverty in America

Forrest Stuart, University of Chicago 

Becoming ‘Copwise’: How Impoverished Residents Negotiate Hyperpolicing in Everyday Life


Coffee and Snack Break


Everyday Race Relations

Martina Cvajner, Yale, Panel Moderator

Aasha M. Abdill, Princeton University

In & Out: The Public and Private Fathering Behaviors of Men in Low-Income Black Communities

Orly Clerge, Yale University

The Walk: Class and Ethnic Faultlines in an Urban Black Neighborhood

Zandria F. Robinson, University of Memphis

Not Stud’n ‘em White Folks: Black Racial Epistemologies in the Post-Soul South


Break  – Cocktails


Dinner at The Graduate Club  

Keynote Address, Alice Goffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City

Saturday, April 12th


Breakfast at the Graduate Club


Urban Spaces and Everyday Interactions

Al Hunter, Northwestern University, Panel Moderator

Martina Cvajner, Yale University

Who Owns the Green? Race, Social Marginality and Interactions in a Public Space

Mike DeLand, UCLA

A Tale of Two Courts:  Park Careers and the Character of Public Space

Esther Chihye Kim, Researcher, Beijing, China

Black in Beijing: Social Attitudes and Racial Interactions


Coffee and Snack Break


Migrants and Immigrants

Orly Clerge, Yale, Panel Moderator

Carol Cleaveland, George Mason University

‘They took all my clothes and made me walk naked for two days so I couldn’t escape’: Latina Immigrant Experiences of Human Smuggling in Mexico

Dana Moss, University of California, Irvine 

Repression’s Reach: Dictatorships and Diaspora Communities

David Trouille, James Madison University

Jugadores del Parque: Immigrants, Play, and the Creation of Social Ties


Lunchtime Keynote Address

Fred Wherry, Yale University

Fragments from an Ethnographer’s Field Guide: Thick Descriptions, Practical Skepticism, and Big Theory


Family, Education and Socialization 

Vani Kulkarni, Yale, Panel Moderator

Elizabeth Anne Clark White, UCLA

Timework: An Occupational Ethnography of Guiding

Casey Stockstill, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Stuff of Childhood

Amy Jones, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The New Affirmative Action: Students of Color and the Burden of Diversity Work

Reconvene at Quinnipiac Club: Final Two Panels and Evening Events


Coffee and Snack Break


Performativity and Identity

Martina Cvajner, Yale, Panel Moderator

Celia Bense Ferreira Alves, Paris 8 University, France

Peter’s Place. The Collective Construction of Charisma

Christina Wells, Yale University

From Margin to Center: The Sociology of Art, Ethnographically Wrought

Jooyoung Lee, University of Toronto

Becoming a Snitch


French and American Traditions in Urban Ethnography

Elijah Anderson, Yale, Panel Moderator

Carlos Javier Ortiz, Chicago

“We All We Got: A Lost Generation,” Photography from the Streets of Philadelphia and Chicago

Henri Peretz, Paris 8 University, France

The Problem of Black Juvenile Delinquency in the Chicago Tradition

Jean-Michel Chapoulie, Paris, FR

Urban Ethnographic Research in French Sociology 


Cocktail Reception in the Member Lounge


Dinner in the Centennial Room

Keynote Address, Mats Trondman, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Omar’s Tale on Two-ness, and Chidra’s too: Reconciled Strivings, Doors of Opportunity, and School Achievement in the Multicultural (?) City of Malmö, Sweden

Closing Remarks

Marcus Hunter, Yale University

Waverly Duck, University of Pittsburgh

Elijah Anderson, Yale University