Thanks to all who participated, attended, and helped produce this conference.
The Inner City School: Inequality and Urban Education
Greenberg Conference Center, Yale University
April 22, 2016 9:00am – April 23, 2016 5:00pm
Thursday, April 21st
6:30pm: Welcoming Reception
The Study at Yale Hotel
Friday, April 22nd
7:45am: Shuttle from Hotels to Greenberg Conference Center
8:00am: Breakfast at Greenberg Conference Center
9:00am: Welcome
Elijah Anderson, Yale University; Philip Smith, Chair of Sociology, Yale University; and Benjamin Polak, Provost, Yale University
9:30am to 10:30am: Inequality and Education: An Overview
Sean Reardon, Stanford University
“Urban Schools: Race, Income, Segregation, and Unequal Educational Opportunity”
Commentator: William Julius Wilson, Harvard University
10:45am to 12:15pm: The Social Context
Cid Martinez, University of San Diego
“Responding to Violence, Keeping the Peace: Interracial Relations between Black and Latino Youth Gangs”
John Hagedorn, University of Illinois, Chicago
“Gangs and Institutional Change”
Waverly Duck, University of Pittsburgh
“Beyond the Prison to School Pipeline: Surveillance in the Everyday Lives of the Poor”
Nikki Jones, University of California, Berkeley
“The ‘Good Girl’ and the ‘Ghetto Chick’: Policing Gender in the Inner-city School”
Moderator: Andrew Papachristos, Yale University
12:30pm: Lunch: Carlos Javier Ortiz’ Photographic Slide Show
1:30pm to 2:45pm: Ethnographic Portraits of Inner City Schools
Carla Shedd, Columbia University
“Policing the Public (Schools) in an Unequal City”
Vani Kulkarni, University of Pennsylvania
“Left in the Doorway: How school choice deepens the ambiguous identity of inner-city youth”
Luke Anderson, Blackstone Academy Charter School
“The Charter Schools, A Tale of Two Cities: Chicago and Providence”
Moderator: Mira Debs, Yale University
3:00pm to 4:15pm: School to Prison Pipeline
Harold Dean Trulear, Howard University; Melanie Snyder, Lancaster County Reentry Management Organization
“School to Prison and Reentry: A Quantitative Story”
Kathleen Nolan, Princeton University
“Urban School Discipline, Policing, and the Criminalization of Youth of Color”
Patricia Maloney, Texas Tech University; Duke Austin, Cal State, East Bay; Saun Juhi Verma, Rutgers
“The School-to-Prison-to-Deportation Pipeline in Six American Cities: How Students, Teachers, and Administrators Navigate Educational Opportunity in the Context of Surveillance”
Moderator: Tracey Meares, Yale University
4:15pm to 4:30pm: Break
4:30pm to 6:00pm: Student Narratives
Rodney Walker, Yale University,
Formerly ACE Tech Charter High School Student
Mardia Cooper, Colby Sawyer College,
Formerly a North Lawndale Prep student
Charles Doneghan, University of Illinois,
Formerly a North Lawndale Prep student
Moderator: Luke Anderson, Blackstone Academy Charter School, formerly a teacher at North Lawndale Prep
6:00pm to 7:15pm: Families, Aspirations, and Outcomes
Vivian Gadsden, University of Pennsylvania
“The Gender and Racial Politics of Urban Schooling”
Shaun Harper, University of Pennsylvania
“Family-Focused Findings from NY Black & Latino Male High School Achievement Study”
Scott Brooks, University of Missouri
“‘Rocket Man’: Doing Life and Basketball in South Philadelphia
Moderator: Vida Maralani, Yale University
7:15pm: Reception
7:30pm: Dinner and Keynote Presentation
Matthew Desmond, Harvard University
“Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City”
Commentator: Scott Brooks, University of Missouri
9:30pm: Shuttle from Greenberg Conference Center to Hotels
Saturday, April 23rd
7:45am: Shuttle to Greenberg Conference Center
8:00am: Breakfast
9:00am: Welcome Summary and Prospectus, Elijah Anderson, Yale University
9:30am-11:00am: The French Connection: State of Education in Urban France
Jean-Michel Chapoulie, Université de Paris 1
“Schooling in France: From Organizational Inequality to Informal Inequality”
William Kornblum, CUNY
“La Visitation: Inequality and Education in Marseille”
Celia Bense Ferreira Alves and Michel Nguyen Duc Long, Université de Paris 8
“Beyond Diversity: Working at Breaking Inequalities in a French Suburban Senior High School”
David Lepoutre, Université de Paris X
“Street Culture and Social Control in Two High Schools in Working-class and Immigrant Neighborhoods”
Moderator: Henri Peretz, Université de Paris 8
11:15am: Coffee and Snack Break
11:30am to 12:30pm: Principal Narratives
Tim Bouman
Principal, North Lawndale College Prep
Kyleen Carpenter
Principal, Blackstone Academy Charter School, Providence
Abie Benitez
Principal, Columbus Family Academy, Brooklyn
Moderator: Julia Rozanova, Yale University
12:45pm: Lunch and Keynote Presentation
Edmund Gordon, Yale University and Teachers College, Columbia University
“Assessment in the Service of Learning”
2:00pm to 3:15pm: Urban Schools: The Most Promising Approaches?
Michelle Fine, CUNY Graduate Center
“Structural Violence/Radical Possibilities: Re-imagining Public Education for Racial, Immigrant, Educational and Labor Justice”
Michael Klonsky, DePaul University
“Rethinking School Design: Making Schools Smaller, Safer, and More Equitable”
Jerry D. Weast, Montgomery County
“Confronting Urban Education Challenges: Sequencing Change from the Bottom Up and the Top Down”
Moderator: Gerald Jaynes, Yale University
3:15pm: Break
3:30pm to 5:00pm: Public Policy and Urban Education Reform: Solutions
Gloria Ladson-Billings, University of Wisconsin, Madison
“‘Makes Me Want To Holler:’ Refuting the ‘Culture of Poverty’ Discourse in Urban Schooling”
Jim Lytle, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
“Inner City School Reform: Takeover, Turnaround, or Deconstruction”
Charles Payne, University of Chicago
“Doing the Impossible: Meaningful Reform in Urban Schools”
Odis Johnson, Washington University, Saint Louis
“Pre-K to Prison Technologies in Policy and Practice”
Moderator: Matthew Hughey, University of Connecticut